September 2021 Philanthropy Update

Nursing staff outside 4th Avenue Donor Center (photo from late 1950s).

Nursing staff outside 4th Avenue Donor Center (photo from late 1950s).


This September, SDBB is celebrating our 71st birthday! Since 1950, SDBB has saved over 3 million lives in partnership with the community.

Now more than ever, SDBB is so grateful for the community that has funded, volunteered, celebrated, and advocated for us throughout our 71-year history. At a time when everything feels uncertain, we find comfort and encouragement knowing that you care about SDBB’s cause. 

Blood and financial donors impact every aspect of our mission. From funding critical resources for new donors centers to advancing research, together we give life and hope to thousands of patients each year.

Thank you to SDBB’s generous financial donors for your investment in San Diego Blood Bank’s mission to ensure that patients in need have access to a robust and safe blood supply.

The best gift a local blood recipient can receive is the chance to have more, happy and healthy birthdays of their own.

With gratitude,


David Wellis, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer

Sherry Serio
Vice President of Development


celebrating 71 years of impacting lives!

Team Survivor Gabby and SDBB blood donors (blood donor photo taken February 2020).

Team Survivor Gabby and SDBB blood donors (blood donor photo taken February 2020).

We are committed to our mission of responding to the need for blood 24/7. To make this a reality, we rely on the generosity of blood and financial donors, and proudly collaborate with community partners to act as the primary supplier of blood to hospitals in our region. We have also served as a national blood provider during major tragedies.

Did You Know?

SDBB was the first blood bank to distribute blood to New York on 9/11. Our mission continues today as we respond to the blood supply needs of our hospital partners and the urgent demand for blood during shortages and tragic events.

Financial Donors Are an Integral Part of Our Mission

Financial donations help fund our greatest needs: blood bags, supplies, and blood collection equipment such as Trima Systems that enable us to serve patients more efficiently by separating and collecting a higher volume of plasma, platelets, and red blood cells.

Every month, nearly 9,000 people donate blood, impacting up to 27,000 lives in our region! Our financial donors play an essential role in supporting our mission. For example, a $60 donation will fund 3 lifesaving transfusions.

The best gift local blood recipients can receive is the chance to have more happy, healthy birthdays of their own.

We invite you to celebrate our mission of saving lives by making a contribution in honor of a blood recipient during SDBB’s birthday month of September.

Ways to Give:

  • Make a one-time, annual contribution

  • Join SDBB’s Leadership Circle

  • Join SDBB’s Visionary Circle and become a monthly financial donor

Thank you for supporting our mission!

special thanks

Rest haven children’s Health Fund

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San Diego Blood Bank is thrilled to receive Rest Haven Children’s Health Fund’s support of $25,000 to fund eight new HemoFlow 400XS blood collection devices. The upgraded models will allow SDBB to collect up to 10% more plasma — impacting up to 15,900 additional patients each year!

Thank you to Rest Haven for its continued partnership with SDBB and supporting pediatric patients throughout the San Diego and Imperial Counties.

celebrating Team Survivor Sevey


Thanks to blood and financial donors, Baby Sevey is celebrating her FIRST birthday this month! After 5 blood transfusions in utero and many more during her infancy, Sevey will continue to require blood transfusions for the rest of her life to help manage alpha thalassemia major, a severe and life-threatening blood disorder. She is a true survivor, remains on the liver transplant list and doctors are working on weening her off the feeding tube.

She's growing every day and her family is so incredibly grateful for blood donors who have donated in Sevey's honor and given them many tomorrows and hope for the future with their baby girl.

Featured Funding Priority

New, Permanent Donor Center

in Chula Vista

Temporary Donor Center in Chula Vista.

Temporary Donor Center in Chula Vista.

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SDBB is expanding its impact in the community through the addition of a new, permanent donor center located in Chula Vista. In less than a year, the temporary South Bay location welcomed nearly 2,500 volunteer blood donors and impacted approximately 12,000 lives from this location alone!

SDBB Foundation is seeking individual, corporate and foundation support to fund critical supplies and equipment such as Trima blood collection systems, HemoFlow blood collection monitors, scales, stethoscopes, and thermometers, to ensure the new donor center is fully equipped when its doors open later this year.

For more information, please contact Sherry Serio, Vice President of Development,at or 619-400-8188.


San Diego Blood Bank Foundation’s Annual Giving Programs

SDBB’s Leadership Circle, Visionary Circle and Friends of SDBB annual giving programs are a great way to support our ongoing blood collection and research efforts. Join today to make a difference in the lives of local patients in need.


Your support will help fund critical equipment such as Trima systems and Hemoflow units that help staff safely collect blood. 

Donations can be made in honor of a patient, relative or friend. Build your philanthropic legacy by motivating others to support and further our reach in the community. Your financial gift will help us continue to save thousands of lives every year.

Click on one of the logos above for more information and to support SDBB.

sdbb news

Many blood drives cancelled

schedule your blood donation at one of eight donor centers

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Blood drives are being cancelled at businesses, high schools and colleges across San Diego, but we have the perfect opportunity for you to save lives at one of our 8 donation locations, ranging from Vista to Chula Vista!

Roll up your sleeves and donate blood to help patients in our local hospitals receive the lifesaving treatments they need. To find a location visit

Donate Convalescent Plasma to fight COVID-19

While COVID-19 has no proven treatment, plasma taken from those who have recovered (called convalescent plasma) may help patients fighting COVID-19. This is because the plasma has developed antibodies against the virus. For more information, read our Frequently Asked Questions at

To donate convalescent plasma, donors must also meet the regular screening criteria for blood donation. Click HERE to let us know you are interested.

Covid-19 Vaccine Antibody Research Study

SDBB is looking for eligible individuals to donate plasma for a COVID-19 Vaccine Antibody Research Study. Participants must be 18 yrs+ who have never been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have been vaccinated against COVID-19. To see if you are eligible, fill out this form.

featured sponsor


For 17 years the Sundt Foundation has supported San Diego Blood Bank as a corporate sponsor and a blood drive host. Just days after they held their summer blood drive in July 2021 and collected 33 pints of blood, the Sundt Foundation came to SDBB offices for a private tour to see first hand how their support helps to fuel SDBBs mission. As a corporate sponsor, they also helped support the funding of two new blood mobiles that will allow SDBB to expand its reach across the San Diego community through mobile blood drives. Thank you to the Sundt Foundation for being a long time supporter of San Diego Blood Bank!


September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Images courtesy of ADRP.

Images courtesy of ADRP.

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. Healthy red blood cells are round, and they move through small blood vessels to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. In someone who has SCD, the red blood cells become hard and sticky and look like a C-shaped farm tool called a “sickle”. The sickle cells die early, which causes a constant shortage of red blood cells. Also, when they travel through small blood vessels, they get stuck and clog the blood flow. This can cause pain and other serious problems such infection, acute chest syndrome and stroke.

SCD is diagnosed with a simple blood test. It most often is found at birth during routine newborn screening tests at the hospital. In addition, SCD can be diagnosed before birth.

Because children with SCD are at an increased risk of infection and other health problems, early diagnosis and treatment are important.

The only cure for SCD is bone marrow or stem cell transplant. Bone marrow is a soft, fatty tissue inside the center of the bones where blood cells are made. A bone marrow or stem cell transplant is a procedure that takes healthy cells that form blood from one person—the donor—and puts them into someone whose bone marrow is not working properly.

Learn More About Sickle Cell Disease | CDC

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Team Survivor Brianna

Brianna was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia at birth and she received several blood transfusions as part of her treatment. Brianna had her spleen removed in 2010 and has not needed blood since, but may require blood transfusions in the future. Brianna likes to play the oboe and loves art. Thanks to blood donors, she’s able to enjoy both.

Health and Wellness


To stay connected to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention latest covid-19 health updates click HERE.



Shop. Donate. Save lives!

While shopping for gifts or everyday essentials, you can also support the San Diego Blood Bank!  Here are a few sites you can use to find those perfect gifts while donating to SDBB to support our life-saving efforts.


Visit and sign in with your credentials.  Choose SDBB as the charitable organization to receive donation and start shopping!  AmazonSmile can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones.


Register and choose San Diego Blood Bank as your charity of choice. Then use their search engine to find what you’re looking for and click through to a retailer's site to make your purchase, part of which will go to SDBB.

iGive: This works almost the same way, but you use a button on various retailers' websites. Go through the easy registration process and choose The San Diego Blood Bank Foundation. Your favorite retailers will start supporting SDBB.

Ways to Make a Financial Gift


MONTHLY GIVING — Join our Visionary Circle by making a monthly gift to help sustain SDBB for the next 70 years. Monthly gifts fund SDBB’s annual greatest need. 

GIFTS OF STOCK — Did you know San Diego Blood Bank Foundation accepts appreciated gifts of stock with tax benefits for the donor? For more information on how to donate your stock, please contact Sherry Serio, Vice President of Development, at 619-400-8188 or

MATCHING GIFTS — Ask your employer if your company has an employee matching program. Double your impact and encourage corporate giving to local nonprofits like SDBB.

COMMUNITY AND DIY FUNDRAISING — Partner with SDBB and fundraise with your company or team or for your birthday with a Facebook fundraiser! Contact Lauren Torres, Development Manager, at  

CHANGEUP — Sign up on, choose San Diego Blood Bank and Changeup will round up your purchases and donate the spare change to SDBB.


To learn more about the many ways in which SDBB’s lifesaving work has impacted the health of our community, see our 2019/2020 Impact Report.


    Don’t miss out on special events, philanthropy updates, news, announcements and more by joining the Foundation’s mailing list.

    Set San Diego Blood Bank as your charity on Amazon.Smile and Amazon gives when you shop!

    View our Tax ID or important financial information.

    Send us a note with any questions about SDBB Foundation, ways to make a gift, or how to get involved.





In partnership with our community, San Diego Blood Bank Foundation is the fundraising entity that supports critical resources for blood donations, advances San Diego Blood Bank’s critical healthcare role, and fuels collaboration with cutting-edge research and clinical organizations to advance cell therapy and precision medicine.