July 2021 Philanthropy Update

SDBB bloodmobiles at Petco Park for the 5th Annual Padres Summer Blood Drive.

SDBB bloodmobiles at Petco Park for the 5th Annual Padres Summer Blood Drive.


SDBB is excited to announce that with the tremendous support from Leadership Circle donor, Rebecca Blakely Brown, and SDBB’s financial donors, we exceeded our $18,000 matching gift challenge goal and raised $37,155 to fund a new Trima Accel® Automated Blood Collection System for our new permanent Donor Center in Point Loma at Liberty Station. Vital Trima Systems separate whole blood into platelets, plasma, and red blood cells—enabling blood donors to donate the exact blood component needed to meet the current blood supply demand for hospitals.

We are also grateful to the hundreds of blood donors who donated at the 5th Annual Padres Summer Blood Drive on June 2.  Over 400 units were collected, impacting up to 1,200 lives! The blood supply demand continues.  Summertime means outdoor activities and travel, but it also means an unfortunate increase in trauma cases at local hospitals.  Many of these patients require transfusions which means a continued, and often increased, demand for blood products from SDBB.  Our current supply is critically low so please consider scheduling a blood donation today.

One fun opportunity to support SDBB is to attend the San Diego Causeplayer Blood Drive @ the Shrine.  You can visit the Shrine and participate in the fun events like a Cosplayer March on 5th from 1pm-2pm each day and plenty of opportunities to snap pictures with a 25-foot Baby Yoda and costumed characters. Blood donors will receive a Funko Pop! swag bag and the amazing feeling of saving lives! For more information, visit https://www.sandiegobloodbank.org/SDShrine.

Thank you to SDBB’s generous financial donors for your investment in San Diego Blood Bank’s mission to ensure that patients in need have access to a robust and safe blood supply. Your financial support truly impacts life!

With gratitude,


David Wellis, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer

Sherry Serio
Vice President of Development


thank you to the padres

and sycuan casino resort

Friar and Volunteer.jpeg

Thank you to the San Diego Padres for hosting the 5th Annual Padres Summer Blood Drive presented by Sycuan Casino Resort! More than 400 units were collected from hundreds of San Diegans at Petco Park on June 2. Even the Swingin' Friar stopped by for some fun.

We also would like to extend a very special thank you to our presenting sponsor, Sycuan Casino Resort! Since 1995, Sycuan Casino Resort has been a valuable partner with SDBB to save thousands of lives every year! Sycuan’s support helps to ensure a robust blood supply for our community. This year, Sycuan presented a $15,000 check in support of our blood collection program. Thank you, Sycuan Casino Resort!

Together, we helped to boost the blood supply for our community as a national blood shortage rages on. Donors received Padres swag, a Sycuan water bottle and a limited-edition T-shirt for giving life. This blood drive was a HOME RUN!

special thanks

san Diego county Board of Supervisors


San Diego Blood Bank Foundation thanks the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors for approving a $36,000 grant in support of a new Trima Accel® automated blood collection system for the new permanent Donor Center in Point Loma at Liberty Station opening in August 2021.  

From hosting community blood drives to funding blood collection systems, SDBB is proud to be a longtime community partner with the County of San Diego to provide health resources for all San Diegans. Thank you for your continued partnership and investment in life!

featured donor

Ame Stanko

Ame Stanko

Ame Stanko

SDBB anniversary t-shirt designs by Ame Stanko

SDBB anniversary t-shirt designs by Ame Stanko

Ame Stanko has been donating blood since she moved to San Diego in 1984 and has also been working with SDBB to design a series of 70th anniversary t-shirts.

“I am an avid supporter of the work blood banks do in communities around the world. As a blood drive host, I'm proud to contribute to that mission and it's a great way to stay on track since I'm working to earn my own 5 gallon donor badge. So, imagine my excitement when I got the opportunity to create some original artwork to help celebrate the 70th anniversary of the San Diego Blood Bank!”

I jumped at the chance as I've been doing web design and illustration work commercially for many years. It's been wonderful working with Leslie Eagan and Michael Shayer, they have been very active in our collaboration, so it is definitely[SS1]  a team effort.”  

Ame offers affordable, custom websites, graphic design and marketing with hype-free help so you can quickly get what you need. From full-service packages to hands-on training, she can help you make the most of the web. 

We are all so thankful for the generosity and support Ame has provided to San Diego Blood Bank over the years and congratulate her on her fast-approaching 4-gallon mark! Her dedication to saving lives is inspiring.

For more about Ame and Pixel Lava, visit www.pixellava.com.

with gratitude


San Diego Blood Bank Foundation thanks the Cushman Foundation for their $20,000 donation to fund 7 new Hemoflows, critical blood collection systems, for SDBB’s East County Donor Center. We are thrilled to continue 23 years of our proud community partnership with the Cushman Foundation that supports the health of all San Diegans! Patients like Quincy (featured below) benefit when financial and blood donors come together to help those in need of blood to survive. We are grateful for the Cushman Foundation!

meet team survivor, quincy

Quincy7 (1).jpg

Quincy was diagnosed with (AML) Acute Myeloid Leukemia in late February 2021.  He requires continuing treatment at Rady Children’s through October 2021, but currently is in remission. He has received many platelet and blood transfusions during his fight against leukemia. 

Quincy loves Pokémon, singing and dancing, playing with Legos, and basketball.  


Featured Funding Priority

SDBB’s new permanent donor center in point Loma at liberty station


While the build out of the new permanent donor center in Point Loma at Liberty Station is continuing, SDBB still needs your support to help fund the state-of-the-art equipment and supplies needed to accommodate hundreds of blood donors each month. The temporary donor center sees over 600 blood donors each month, impacting nearly 20,000 lives! 

Make a one-time, annual donation to support SDBB’s greatest needs to sustain our lifesaving mission.

Join SDBB’s exclusive monthly giving program, The Visionary Circle, and provide steady income for SDBB’s vital programs.


Join SDBB’s Leadership Giving Circle to fund critical resources and have an even greater impact on the lives of patients in need.


Your support will help fund critical equipment such as Trima systems and Hemoflow units that help staff safely collect blood. With your continued support, we can successfully raise the funds to ensure that this new donor center is fully operational this year.

Donations can be made in honor of a patient, relative or friend. Build your philanthropic legacy by motivating others to support and further our reach in the community. Your financial gift will help get us up and running so we can continue to save thousands of local lives.

In addition to individual giving opportunities, there are also corporate sponsor and naming opportunities available in connection with the new Liberty Station location.  Please contact Sherry Serio, Vice President of Development,at sserio@sandiegobloodbank.org or 619-400-8188.

sdbb in action

july is cord blood awareness month

Alejandra Evaluating CBU Photo.jfif

San Diego Blood Bank collaborates with San Diego and Southern California hospitals to collect umbilical cord blood after the birth of a healthy full-term baby. 

Umbilical cord stem cells provide hope for a cure and new life for patients in need of a transplant or life-threatening medical conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, immune diseases, metabolic disorders, autism, stroke, and cerebral palsy.  

The cord blood is processed and stored at San Diego Blood Bank and is donated anonymously for the use of any patient in need of a lifesaving bone marrow transplant. Each certified cord blood unit is listed on the Be The Match Registry®, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP) which makes stem cells available to patients around the world for a match.  

In June 2020, San Diego Blood Bank shipped an umbilical cord blood unit that went to a 9-year-old recipient in the U.S. with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). AML is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes abnormal myeloblasts (a type of white blood cell), red blood cells, or platelets. Being able to provide this unit is extra special to us because it demonstrates the importance of our Cord Blood Bank’s endeavor to increase the genetic diversity of the national cord blood supply. This particular unit was collected and stored in 2016. 

To date, we have shipped 156 cord blood units for transplant.  

“The positioning of the blood bank, and the cord blood bank in particular, have really offered up an opportunity for us to leverage our current high-quality product generation not only for blood transfusion, but also cord blood transplants in ways that go beyond the standard.”


featured sponsor moneytree


We would like to extend a very special thank you to Moneytree, Inc. for supporting our new permanent donor center at Liberty Station with a check for $2,500. Our temporary location sees over 600 donors each month. Donors like Maria (pictured) help provide lifesaving blood to local patients in need.

Moneytree has been a valuable partner over the years and continues to help save lives through their financial donation! Thank you, Moneytree, Inc!


Health and Wellness

juLY is UV Safety awareness month


Photo courtesy of HHS


Summer has arrived and while the sun is shining bright it's a golden time to highlight July as UV Safety Awareness Month!

We all love to take in those warm summer rays, but everyone must remember to protect their skin and eyes from the damaging effects of the sun.

The sun emits radiation known as UV-A and UV-B rays. Both types can damage your eyes and skin:

• UV-B rays have short wavelengths that reach the outer layer of your skin

• UV-A rays have longer wavelengths that can penetrate the middle layer of your skin

By learning the risks associated with too much sun exposure and taking the right precautions to protect you and your family from UV rays, everyone can enjoy the sun and outdoors safely.

Here are the harmful things unprotected sun exposure can do:

• Cause vision problems and damage to your eyes

• Suppression of the immune system

• Premature aging of the skin

• Skin cancer

Fortunately, there are things you can do to minimize the risk that comes with sun exposure.

1. Cover Up: Wearing a Hat (preferably wide brimmed) or other shade-protective clothing can partly shield your skin from the harmful effects of UV ray exposure. Proper clothing may include long-sleeved shirts, pants, hats, and Sunglasses - for eye protection.

2. Stay in the Shade: The sun's glare is most intense at midday. Staying in the shade between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. will further protect your skin. The sun can still damage your skin on cloudy days or in the winter. For this reason, it is important to stay protected throughout the year.

3. Choose the Right Sunscreen: This is extremely important. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) new regulations for sunscreen labeling recommend that your sunscreen have a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, and should protect against both Ultraviolet A (UV-A) and Ultraviolet B (UV-B) rays.

4. Use the Right Amount of Sunscreen: According to the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention, most people apply only 25-50 percent of the recommended amount of sunscreen. When out in the sun, it's important that you apply at least one ounce (a palmful) of sunscreen every two hours. You should apply it more often if you are sweating or swimming, even if the sunscreen is waterproof.

By taking the proper precautions and following this advice you and your loved ones can enjoy the sun.   If you are having any problems after being in the sun, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider.

Enjoy the outdoors this summer and remember to protect your eyes and the skin you're in!

*Source: https://www.va.gov/qualityofcare/education/uv_safety_awareness_month.asp

For more information about staying safe in the sun, visit https://www.cancer.org/healthy/be-safe-in-sun.html



Shop. Donate. Save lives!

While shopping for gifts or everyday essentials, you can also support the San Diego Blood Bank!  Here are a few sites you can use to find those perfect gifts while donating to SDBB to support our life-saving efforts.


Visit smile.amazon.com and sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.  Choose SDBB as the charitable organization to receive donation and start shopping!  AmazonSmile can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones.


Register and choose San Diego Blood Bank as your charity of choice. Then use their search engine to find what you’re looking for and click through to a retailer's site to make your purchase, part of which will go to SDBB.

iGive: This works almost the same way, but you use a button on various retailers' websites. Go through the iGive.com easy registration process and choose The San Diego Blood Bank Foundation. Your favorite retailers will start supporting SDBB.

Ways to Make a Financial Gift


MONTHLY GIVING — Join our Visionary Circle by making a monthly gift to help sustain SDBB for the next 70 years. Monthly gifts fund SDBB’s annual greatest need. 

GIFTS OF STOCK — Did you know San Diego Blood Bank Foundation accepts appreciated gifts of stock with tax benefits for the donor? For more information on how to donate your stock, please contact Sherry Serio, Vice President of Development, at 619-400-8188 or sserio@sdbb.org.

MATCHING GIFTS — Ask your employer if your company has an employee matching program. Double your impact and encourage corporate giving to local nonprofits like SDBB.

COMMUNITY AND DIY FUNDRAISING — Partner with SDBB and fundraise with your company or team or for your birthday with a Facebook fundraiser! Contact Lauren Torres, Development Manager, at ltorres@sdbb.org.  

CHANGEUP — Sign up on changeupforcharity.com, choose San Diego Blood Bank and Changeup will round up your purchases and donate the spare change to SDBB.


To learn more about the many ways in which SDBB’s lifesaving work has impacted the health of our community, see our 2019/2020 Impact Report.


    Don’t miss out on special events, philanthropy updates, news, announcements and more by joining the Foundation’s mailing list.

    Set San Diego Blood Bank as your charity on Amazon.Smile and Amazon gives when you shop!

    View our Tax ID or important financial information.

    Send us a note with any questions about SDBB Foundation, ways to make a gift, or how to get involved.





In partnership with our community, San Diego Blood Bank Foundation is the fundraising entity that supports critical resources for blood donations, advances San Diego Blood Bank’s critical healthcare role, and fuels collaboration with cutting-edge research and clinical organizations to advance cell therapy and precision medicine.